Covid-19 reaches the last commune in Chile without contagion and Zapallar increases active cases by 833% | National


According to the 86th Epidemiological Report of the Ministry of Health, 2 cases of covid-19 were confirmed in the commune of Green lake in the Aysén region, the only town in Chile that to date had not registered any contagion since the start of the pandemic.

Thus, with a population of 920 people, these two positives raised the incidence rate in that area to 217.4.

Likewise, according to the report published yesterday by the Minsal, it also highlighted the complicated situation of Zapallar, which continued to worsen after the controversial clandestine parties of the elite in Cachagua in the New Year.

Specifically, active cases rose by 833%: the year started with 3 active cases and now has 25, according to the report, so that it already has the worst incidence rate in the Valparaíso region. Thus, the infections from the event are already counted in 63 people and 170 close contacts, according to Emol.

In general terms, 19 municipalities already have more than 400 cases that can spread the virus and three of them even count more than a thousand, in which Puerto Montt (1,374), Antofagasta (1,258) and Iquique (1,115) appear.

On the other hand, the rate of active cases in each region was also reported. That is, the number of people infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

While, Of the 16 regions of the country, 14 have a rate of active cases (infected persons per 100,000 inhabitants) greater than 100, where Los Lagos (481.6), Tarapacá (465.6) and Magallanes (458.1) lead, while the only exceptions are Coquimbo (73.1) and the Metropolitan region (82.5).

50 communes with the highest number of active cases

Puerto Montt: 1,374
Antofagasta: 1,258
Iquique: 1,115
Curicó: 755
Valdivia: 708
Osorno: 665
Temuco: 605
Valparaiso: 599
Arica: 587
Punta Arenas: 554
Conception: 552
High Hospice: 548
High Bridge: 506
Chillán: 486
Viña del Mar: 478
Santiago: 468
Talcahuano: 457
Maipú: 426
Talca: 404
Colonel: 397
Florida: 311
San Pedro de la Paz: 308
Calbuco: 292
Hualpén: 288
Los Angeles: 279
Rancagua: 268
The Counts: 265
Pudahuel: 238
Calama: 224
Ancud: 224
Quellon: 224
Renca: 220
Peñalolén: 209
Saint Bernard: 206
Ñuñoa: 202
Copiapo: 200
Burbot: 196
German Village: 195
Natal: 190
Molina: 188
La Pintana: 187
The Barnechea: 185
Quilpué: 175
The Union: 174
Chiguayante: 171
Castro: 168
Aisen: 161
Coquimbo: 159
Arauco: 159
Macul: 154
