The US House of Representatives approved a resolution formally requesting the vice president, Mike pence, and to the cabinet that invoke the Amendment 25 of the Constitution to remove the outgoing president, Donald trump, against which he is now preparing to promote a new political trial.
In a session held six days after Trump supporters attacked the Capitol in Washington, where five people were killed, congressmen approved by 223 votes in favor and 205 against the initiative.
In the non-binding resolution, congressmen ask Pence to declare Trump “incapable of executing the duties of his office and of immediately exercising the powers as acting president.”
However, the vote became a mere formality due to the refusal of the second in command of the Trump Administration to move in that direction.
Pence anticipated the vote by releasing hours earlier a letter addressed to the Speaker of the Lower House, the Democrat Nancy pelosi, in which he calls for “avoiding actions that would further divide and inflame the passions of the moment.”
“I do not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or is consistent with our Constitution,” said the vice president about the mechanism promoted by progressives with eight days left until Trump’s term ends.
Mike Pence ruled out invoking the 25th amendment to impeach Donald Trump #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/YYFGYKWgQc pic.twitter.com/TOkXrEFls9
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) January 13, 2021