The Government explained this Monday how the vacation permit will operate for those people who have chosen communes as their destination that have changed their phase according to the “Step by Step” plan.
“If I am in a commune in phase two, for example, or three or four, and the ‘Step by Step’ plan is modified and I go to quarantine, I have two possibilities: one, of course I am quarantined in the place where I chose to be on vacation, or I also have the return permit to return to my commune of origin “, indicated the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Katherine martorell, in today’s televised report.
“If I am in a phase two commune and then it goes to phase three, I can also adapt to that step within the plan,” he added.
“That is to say, vacation leave adapts to the steps in which the different communes are located and there is always the possibility of advancing the return to my commune of origin if I wish to do so, “the authority explained.
Government authorities announced this Monday that 25 communes of the country, belonging to eight regions, will enter quarantine on Thursday, January 14, from 05:00 in the morning.
The measure includes five regional capitals: Antofagasta, Concepción, Temuco, Valdivia and Puerto Montt.
In addition, it highlights that Biobío and Los Lagos are the regions with the largest number of localities that will enter into confinement.
From north to south, the communes that recede to the aforementioned Phase 1 of the “Step by Step” Plan son:
- Antofagasta Region: Mussels and Antofagasta
- O’Higgins Region: Saint vincent
- Maule Region: I have
- Bio bio region: Talcahuano, Hualqui, Concepción, San Pedro de la Paz and Chiguayante
- Araucania region: Renaico, Galvarino, Victoria and Temuco
- River region: Valdivia, Los Lagos and Good River
- Los Lagos Region: Quellón, Calbuco, Dalcahue, Castro, Ancud, Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas and Osorno
- Aysén region: Aysén
🔴 As of Thursday, January 14 at 5:00 a.m., the following communes fall back to #Quarantine. pic.twitter.com/wvVMTqZcU9
– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) January 11, 2021
Meanwhile, and also from Thursday, fall back to transition (Phase 2), 22 communes from 12 regions of Chile.
Starting next Thursday, January 14 at 5:00 a.m., they go back to #Transition the following communes of our country. For more information, visit https://t.co/Ovn2CfAVnK pic.twitter.com/FM7D9SzTFZ– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) January 11, 2021
The commune of Lautaro, in the La Araucanía Region, is also in transition, but moving forward.
🟠 From Thursday, January 14 at 5:00 a.m., advance to #Transition the commune of Lautaro in the region of La Araucanía. pic.twitter.com/H9rIwyxTFD
– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) January 11, 2021
In today’s televised report, and due to the rise in infections at the country level, the Executive also announced a update of the measures of the “Step by Step” plan and a tightening of restrictions, especially in the quarantine and transition phases.
To prevent the spread of Coronavirus 🦠 and reduce risks, the @Government of Chile announced an update to the Step by Step Plan that extreme restrictions especially in Quarantine and Transition.
The new measures, here 👇🏽 # Let’s take care of each other pic.twitter.com/icTe6v5axc
– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) January 11, 2021