Senate Table evaluates removing immediate discussion to vote on TPP-11 | National


It will be this week that the Senate will resume the debate on the future of the Comprehensive and Progressive Treaty of Trans-Pacific Partnership, better known as TPP-11, in the country.

Although the Government immediately discussed the initiative last Wednesday, from the table of the Upper House they showed their reluctance against the measure.

The socialist senator and vice president of the instance, Rabindranath Quinteros, did not rule out the possibility of removing this condition from the project and pointed to the importance of explaining its real scope to the public.

In the ruling party, the UDI senator, David, Sandoval, was available to approve the initiative, although he recognized the controversy that this agreement has caused in different matters.

In this sense, the union parliamentarian emphasized the need to analyze the TPP11 and its eventual convenience for the country.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand, detailed the economic benefits that Chile would have access to if the treaty was ratified, which includes the insertion of the national market in the Asia-Pacific.

Likewise, the Chancellor denied that the TPP11 affects the issuance of environmental, labor or social security regulations, or alters the possibility of obtaining a reduction in medicines.
