Antofagasta Hospital runs out of critical beds amid rise in Covid-19 cases


Amid the increase in Covid-19 cases across the country, the Regional Hospital of Antofagasta reached 100% occupancy of its critical bedsTherefore, it has had to begin to refer patients to other regions of the country.

The 75 beds available in the Critical Patients Unit of the health facility are occupied, although not only with Covid-19 patients, but also with others who respond to various pathologies.

He director of the healthcare center, Enrique Bastías, pointed out that “we are working at maximum capacity, and that implies that we have had to refer five patients to other regions of the country, specifically to the Metropolitan Region”. This, at a time when the region has 719 cases of Covid-19 and is in the Transition phase.

According to the cooperative radio slogan, Bastías indicated that he is coordinating with the central level authorities to increase the critical beds available, which at the peak of infections, during 2020, reached the figure of 105 in the hospital.

“Due to the volume of contagion that we are seeing, we will need to expand this capacity again,” said the director. Note that between the penultimate and the last report presented by the Ministry of Health, the Antofagasta Region added 116 new cases.

Dr. Bastías also indicated that, In addition to new beds, more staff needs to be hired, since many of the officials are tired from the harshness of the pandemic, so there are several with medical leave and others on vacation. “It is necessary to have health personnel rested physically and mentally to be able to face this new wave of positive cases of Covid-19,” he said.
