Animals in danger of extinction: five species that could disappear in 2021


January brings us the arrival of a new year and with that, the desire to improve the things that did not come well in 2020, which we already know are enough. This is why, as usual, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, published the list of species on its Red List of endangered animals that could potentially disappear from the earth this year.

To date, there are more than 35 thousand different species on this list, which corresponds to 28% of all animals evaluated.

According to the same organization, the list serves as a barometer of life, since the loss of biodiversity is one of the most important dangers that we face today. With this registry, you can have more control over threatened species, and in this way, you can design strategies to recover them.

Here we show you the list of animals in danger of extinction

National Geographic chose five of the 35,000 species that could go extinct this year:

Freshwater dolphins
Freshwater dolphins inhabit the waters of the Amazon. The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) has seriously diminished its population in the aquifer system due to the mortality derived from fishing.

Caught in incidental nets, poisoned by river pollution, or hunted illegally, various species of dolphins quickly lose their lives. To help dolphins recover, the organization suggests avoiding the use of these fishing techniques, so that they do not fall prey to them.

Endangered animals Dolphin shutterstock / referential image

Angonoka tortoise
Also known by its scientific name, Astrochelys yniphora, this reptile typically inhabits Madagascar. Despite being in their natural habitat, there are barely 400 specimens left in the northeast of the African island. For this reason, it is positioned as one of the species in critical danger of extinction, according to the Red List. The illegal sale of their eggs, as well as fishing and indiscriminate logging, are the main threats to the persistence of these giant tortoises.

Endangered animals turtle shutterstock / referential image

Java rhino
The IUCN registry estimates that there are only 50 Java rhinos left. Located in Indonesia, these animals are victims of poaching for the illegal sale of their horns. To this day, the material is used in traditional Asian medicine as a cure for hangovers, fevers, and in some cases, cancer.

Rhinoceros endangered animals shutterstock / referential image

Southern bluefin tuna
Thunnus maccoyi inhabits the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, and is another species that appears on the Red List as a critically endangered species. This condition stems from indiscriminate fishing. The organization warns that the population has decreased by 85% in less than four decades, so if this exploitation continues, it could disappear completely.

Endangered animals tuna shutterstock / referential image

Search for lemurs
This species native to Madagascar has been on the Red List since 2008, under the category of critically endangered. The Prolemur simus has decreased by almost 80% of its total population, in a period of 30 years, due to the excessive cutting of bamboo in the area. Mining is also a major factor in the destruction of their habitat. Currently, only 500 specimens are registered, many of which are in captivity.

Endangered animals lemur shutterstock / referential image
