The Citizen Panel of the Universidad Del Desarrollo conducted a survey on the eventual presidential primary of Chile Vamos – a sector that adds and adds names to compete for La Moneda -, consulting who would vote within the election of the conglomerate that now has Mario Desbordes ( RN, former Defense Minister) and Sebastián Sichel (independent and former president of BancoEstado) as letters, additional to those already shuffled, to be the candidate of the ruling party.
But, despite the new faces, among the results of the study consigned by The Mercury, realizes that the letters of the UDI, the mayors Joaquín Lavín (Las Condes) and Evelyn Matthei (Providencia), are positioned in the face of the possible elections of July, obtaining 27.6% and 25, 8% of preferences, respectively. Sebastián Sichel, for his part, ranks third with 18.8%.
Further back is while the senator from Evópoli Felipe Kast who reaches 11.3% and Mario Desbordes with 6.5%.
The analysis also shows that,When crossing the results by age groups, it can be seen that Lavín obtains a higher percentage of preference among the youngest, specifically in the group between 18 and 30 years old. At the same time, Matthei achieves a more favorable result from the age of 51 and over, while Sichel achieves his highest figure in the range among those aged 61 and over.
According to the socioeconomic level of the individuals, the study points to a decrease in the preferences towards Matthei as the segment is smaller – it decreases from 32.2% to 19.4% -. Meanwhile, the “none” option is significantly higher in socioeconomic sectors D and E in relation to the conglomerate charts.
The technical file of the study details that a “response rate of 7,045 cases out of 7,200 was obtained, which corresponds to a margin of error of 1.2%, at a 95% confidence level”, consulted between Saturday 26 and Sunday December 27. They point out, a selection of dwellings was made from a simple random sampling and then face-to-face interviews were conducted with a questionnaire of 20 questions, to men and women over 18 from continental Chile.