More than 700 visitors, adults and children, were surprised this Saturday afternoon at the Hidroeléctrica Chivilingo campsite in Lota, a commune that is in a transition stage, that is, in quarantine on weekends and holidays, and that as of this Monday goes back to phase 1, to total confinement.
The information was confirmed to Radío Bío Bío by the Department of Public Security of the Municipality of Lota, who received the complaint for the irregular operation of the site and alerted the public of this situation. Seremi de Salud del Bío Bío.
The personnel of the health authority arrived at the place with police officers.

Of the more than 700 visitors, 470 were adults and the Seremi de Salud decreed the closure of the place and the application of a sanitary summary.
However, according to the information provided by Citizen Security of Lota, there were no arrests by the Carabineros. Therefore, the entity called for the police to act in accordance with the law in this type of case.
Also, during the same Saturday day, Health personnel supervised the Ramuntcho beach in Hualpén and the presence of people visiting and camping in that spa was also reported, for which the pertinent sanitary provisions were applied.
To the above, the application of a summary was also added at the Los Cachay de Hualqui campsite in the same region of Bío Bío, a place where the members of 11 families were also evicted.

The seremi of Health, Hector Muñoz, confirmed sanitary summaries for both precincts, Lota and Hualqui, for not respecting sanitary measures in a pandemic.
