doctor is hospitalized after receiving vaccine against covid-19


All the alarms went off in Mexico. The reason? A doctor presented complications after being vaccinated against covid-19.

The 32-year-old specialist was hospitalized after presenting a clinical reaction. Situation that occurred shortly after receiving the covid-19 vaccine from the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech.

The doctor, whose identity was not specified, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a public hospital in the northern state of Nuevo León. Symptoms included skin rash, seizures, and shortness of breath.

Vaccine alert

“The initial diagnosis is encephalomyelitis under study,” reported the Mexican Ministry of Health. They also added that the doctor has an allergic history and so far there is no evidence of clinical trials of the vaccine causing encephalitis after its application.

It should be noted that Mexico began vaccinating its population against covid-10. So far it has left more than 126,500 deaths in the country. The state plan involves first inoculating about 750,000 health personnel who care for patients infected with the virus and, later, older adults.
