Valdivia: coronavirus outbreak in nursing home adds three deaths


Three deaths and 25 infected adds an outbreak of covid-19 in a nursing home located in the Valdivia commune. They are local residents and officials, as confirmed by health authorities.

According to the information provided by the Seremi de Salud de la Región de los Ríos, the victims who were housed in the Eleam are two women, 98 and 94 years old and a 93 year old man.

In addition, four people were referred, to prevent possible complications from the virus, to various hospitals in the region, as well as the remaining 21 infected, were transferred to health residences, most of them located in Valdivia.

Outbreak confirmed on December 18

“On December 18, we learned of the first two infections of covid-19 within this residence, which affected an elderly resident and a caretaker of this home,” said the regional coordinator of the National Service for the Elderly (Senama ), Gustavo Biolley.

“Since December 20, a new test was carried out by Cesfam Las Ánimas, in coordination with the Seremi de Salud, in order to carry out a new balance of how these older adults were. Then we were notified that there were 4 positive cases more, “he added, regarding the outbreak.

In addition, the authority explained that in the last hours retests were carried out on the elderly in the affected home and on December 31, 18 new positive cases were registered, which increased to 29 on January 1.

“Due to this situation, the decision was made on the part of the Seremi de Salud, to transfer all the elderly to the Health Residences established in our region,” said the coordinator.
