The Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, referred this Friday to the indiscriminate use of fireworks and made a balance after New Year’s night at the country level, together with the national director of SENDA, Carlos Charme and the head of the Metropolitan area of Carabineros, General Enrique Monrás.
According to the SENDA balance, from December 23 until last night, 6,200 drug and drug tests were carried out.
Of the alcotest performed, 0.56% were positive, while of the narcotest, 13.84% were positive. The main drug detected in driving was marijuana.
Meanwhile, about 90 people have been removed from circulation driving vehicles under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.
For his part, the Carabineros General, Enrique Monrás, said that in the vehicle controls that meant that 44 people were arrested for driving while intoxicated, 13 people for driving under the influence of alcohol and 17 under the influence of drugs.
He also reported that, so far, four people have died in this long weekend.
For his part, Minister Delgado referred to the series of illegal launches of fireworks and pyrotechnics during New Year’s night, in different parts of the country, and that even meant fires in homes, schools and grasslands, a situation that is being investigated by the police.
“There are many people who believe that using fireworks is challenging authority, I want to tell those people that more than challenging authority, they are challenging their own neighbors, they are challenging the tranquility of families, children of pets who they suffer the indiscriminate use of fireworks throughout the year ”, stressed the government authority.
He also realized that thanks to the monitoring strategy via social networks of clandestine parties, they had a significant drop in their performance, registering, yes, many complaints of annoying noise.