The actress Jennifer Aniston It has become the center of controversy in the closing week of 2020. He showed his 36 million followers the image of a strange ornament on his Christmas tree.
The eternal Rachel Green from the hit series “Friends” has been a great promoter of the use of the mask to avoid the spread of coronavirus.
In June 2020, Brad Pitt’s ex-wife shared a post about it: “People seem concerned that their rights will be taken away by asking them to wear a mask.” He added that this “simple and effective recommendation is becoming politicized at the expense of people’s lives.”
For his detractors this does not justify the use of the pandemic in a Christmas decoration. “Our first pandemic 2020”, prays on the object that she holds in her hand, while the ornate pine tree is seen in the background with lights on. It is a round ornament carved in wood, which he photographed and shared in a Story on his Instagram account.
The responses from users on social networks were immediate. Some called the use of the object offensive, allusive to a pandemic that has claimed the lives of millions of people.
Jennifer Aniston’s influence on social media
The 51-year-old actress barely ventured into the social network Instagram since October 2019, when she shared a current photo with her friends from the set of Friends. The publication earned Jennifer Aniston a Guinness World Record rating, achieving a million followers in just over five hours.
More than 16 million likes has earned the image, which is accompanied by the first message from the celebrity on his account: “And now we are also ‘Friends’ of Instagram. Hi, Instagram”.
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