Since Wuhan, the capital of the covid-19 -or at least, where its first outbreak was reported-, its citizens received 2021 among crowds and without social distancing.
This can be seen in the first images of the celebrations in the Chinese city, where its inhabitants gathered in public spaces with masks – mostly – almost a year after the start of the pandemic.
In some places, they celebrated by throwing balloons into the sky, amid shouts and applause while a pyrotechnic show unfolded.

This week, from the central province of Hubei, it was reported that the number of people contaminated by the new coronavirus in Wuhan would have been ten times higher than the official balance announced until today by the Beijing authorities.
According to the report, in charge of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the covid-19 appeared there at the end of last year, endangering its more than 11 million inhabitants.
This year, the quarantine was extended for 76 days from January 23. According to serological tests carried out in April, at the peak of the epidemic, 4.43% of the inhabitants of Wuhan were carriers of antibodies (that is, they had reacted to the presence of the virus).

This means that, in proportion to the total population, some 480,000 people were contaminated; that is, ten times more than the balance of 50,000 infections provided so far by local authorities.
The difference is due to an “underestimation of cases during the chaos of late January and early February, when many people were not subjected to tests, or that they were not reliable,” Huang Yanzhong, a public health specialist at the Council on Foreign Relations, an American think tank.
