Last Monday’s meeting between Everton and University of Concepción left havoc, after in the last hours the Penquista team claimed the three points for an alleged irregularity of the Viñamarinos. However, the “gold and sky” group responded to the complaint by assuring that did not commit “any administrative failure”.
The accusation of the “Campanil” was due to the alleged poor inclusion of player Kevin Figueroa minutes before the game that was played two days ago in the “Ester Roa”, who was mentioned was not on the official roster at the time of replacing Benjamín Berríos in the starting eleven of the visitors.
Given this, the “ruletera” squad issued a statement in which they assure that: “Initially, the player Benjamín Berríos had been considered on the roster of players for Monday’s match between Universidad de Concepción, but the steering wheel suffered in the warm-up so it was replaced on the official payroll by Kevin Figueroa “.
“The change in the preliminary roster, which considered Berríos, was made about 30
minutes before it started the meeting, a modification that was supported in the official meeting form, “the letter adds.
In the same way, the text ends by explaining that: “This type of modification are common in the activity and do not correspond to an administrative failure as it has been tried to impose on this occasion. In fact, most teams summon more players on match day, to guard against such eventualities. ”
In this way, it remains to wait for what is resolved regarding the accusation of U. de Concepción and the defense of Everton, a decision that to favor the southerners, could help them in their aspirations at the bottom of the weighted table.
– You can review the Everton statement at the link
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University of Concepcion