Briones explains sayings about Ponce Lerou: Our sanctioning standards are more lax


The Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones (Evópoli), explained his statements issued on Tuesday, in which he stated that having faced Justice in the United States and not in Chile, businessman Julio Ponce Lerou “would undoubtedly be in prison.”

Briones commented on the program “Stock Available”, of the channel Via X, the scandals starring him former son-in-law of dictator Augusto Pinochet and former controller of SQM, which ended up fined by the national courts in the “Cascadas Case”.

“The best way to protect the market is competition, drastic penalties those who deviate and also a self-regulatory role of the actors, “he argued.

Consulted then, specifically, by the judicial scenario that Ponce would have faced in the United States, Briones did not hesitate to answer: “I would be in prison, without a doubt”.

This afternoon, at a press point in La Moneda, the minister explained that “The sanctioning standards, which are mandated by our law and regulatory framework, are different and more lax than in the more developed capital markets that we most admire.”

“In particular, I was asked about the United States, which is a benchmark and a highly developed market, where infractions -particularly, serious infractions against the stock market – are severely sanctioned, with fines according to the damage, the seriousness of the offense, and also with jail “added.
