Piñera closes 2020 with 8.9% approval | National


According to the results of the latest Citizen Pulse Survey of 2020, President Sebastián Piñera ended the year with 8.9% approval.

On the contrary, disapproval of his management reached 83%, the highest figure since the first fortnight of February, when opposition to his figure and work was 83.1%.

Citizen Pulse

The cabinet also closed 2020 with poor evaluation: according to the measurement, the group registered 80.3% disapproval and 9.6% favorable responses.

Citizen Pulse

Possible next president of Chile

When asked, who do you think the next president of Chile will be, excluding Sebastián Piñera? 16.3% of those interviewed pointed to Joaquín Lavín (UDI).

In second place was Daniel Jadue (PC, 11.7%), followed by Pamela Jiles (PH, 9.7%), Evelyn Matthei (7.3%), Sebastián Sichel (5.5%), Leonardo Farkas (3.4%), José Antonio Kast (3.1%), Michelle Bachelet (2 , 8%), Beatriz Sánchez (2.4%) and Francisco Vidal (2.1%).

The option “others” accumulated 12.6% of the preferences and “I don’t know” agglutinated 17.9%.

In the previous version, valid for the first half of December, Jiles led the preferences with 13.8% and was followed in second place by Lavín (11.9%) and third by Jadue (7.8%).

Citizen Pulse

However, in a section of likely voter (55.1% of those interviewed), the survey established that the preference was led by Jadue (13.7%), followed by Jiles (13.2%) and Lavín (11.5%).

Citizen Pulse


Since in the world there are several laboratories working on an immunization against covid-19, “How sure are you to get the vaccine When is it available in Chile? ”was another of the questions that Pulso asked in this past.

Given this, the option “very safe / sure yes “accumulated 35.6% of the answers.

Meanwhile, 40.3% went for the alternative “I’m not sure” and 24.2% of those interviewed stated that “very safe / sure not”.

Citizen Pulse
