Radio sources confirmed that five of the eight accused of the crimes of threats against prosecutor Ximena Chong they left their prisons, where they were serving preventive detention.

The previous measure was determined after two parallel hearings were held. On the one hand, the Santiago Court of Appeals revoked the preventive detention of two of the defendants, leaving them under house arrest; While the 7th Guarantee Court of Santiago also decided to revoke said injunction for three of the accused.

It is important to note that the remaining three defendants in the investigation can still file an appeal.

The eight defendants are investigated for delivering a letter with threats to the house of the persecutor, this for investigating the former rabbi Sebastián Zamora accused of the attempted murder of a teenager who fell to the bed of the Mapocho river from the Pío Nono bridge.

This article describes an ongoing legal process

There is a possibility that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation, therefore The accused should NOT be considered as guilty until Justice dictates sentence against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)