The doctor Carolina Herrera He has added thousands of followers after his constant appearances on television shows such as Welcome and Here We Are All.
Through his Instagram account, where he has more than 62 thousand followers, the doctor shared a shocking record that reveals the great physical change who lived a few years ago.
In order to promote healthy living, Dr. Carolina Herrera published a photograph showing her “before and after”, making a call that it is never too late to start worrying about health.
The before and after Carolina Herrera
Through her Instagram, the doctor shared the photograph which was accompanied by a powerful message.
“At this end of the most unexpected year of my life, I want to share with you that at 59 I feel much better than at 39.”he wrote at the beginning of the post.
“I already have three medical specialties and now at work I am in the ICU watching critical patients and on TV educating the healthy to prevent them from being Covid patients, which I consider exceptionally important”added.
“But I also take advantage of the moment to say that I wish I had chosen the path of healthy life much earlier … I was morbidly obese, I came to weigh 120 kilos and I am not proud of that”, said the doctor.
“But I realized … and I gave him the fight! And now I feel that my experience can be motivating for many and many who have not become aware that obesity is not an aesthetic problem … it is a real health problem”he wrote below.
Finally, he made a call that it is never too late to “take charge” of life. “There is no single recommendation for this, but awareness is part of looking in the mirror and taking a weight and weighing yourself (…) the change in diet by reducing meat, fat and sugar and eating in moderate portions is the beginning of the change”.
Check out his post below: