Aguas Andinas will compensate households with up to 13,745 pesos for massive cuts in 2016 and 2017


After agreements reached with the National Consumer Service (Sernac) and the National Corporation of Consumers and Users (Conadecus), the health company Andean Waters must disburse almost 10,000 million pesos (about 14 million dollars) in compensation for customers who were affected by the massive water cuts of 2016 and 2017 in the Metropolitan Region.

According to what was reported by Sernac, each household will receive an award that It will be determined according to whether it has been affected by one, two or all cuts and the duration of the same, since not all the people were affected by all the cuts or by 24 hours in each one of them.

The maximum that a client can receive is 13,745 pesos.

On average, by cutting april 2016, 957,403 clients will receive compensation of 3,711 pesos approximately.

For its part, 1,110,642 users affected by the incident of February 2017 they will receive an amount of about 5,069 pesos.

Finally, by the event of April 2017, 624,742 families will receive 1,163 pesos, approximately.

Considering the three cuts, 2,692,787 clients belonging to 30 communes will be compensated, all residential users.

This result occurs within the framework of Collective lawsuits filed by Sernac in 2017 for the three events. Conadecus became part of the second legal action in August 2019, referring to the cuts of the year 2017.


The payment of the compensations will be credited to the accounts of the clients in the invoicing within the 30 days following from the date the settlement is approved and certified by the court.

If a client is entitled to compensation for an amount greater than the value of their account for the respective month, the discount will be applied for the total of their account and, the following month, a new discount for the remaining balance.


If a consumer does not agree with the terms of the agreement reached by the parties, he can do reservation of rights and initiate actions individually.

To certify full compliance with this settlement, Aguas Andinas must submit to Sernac an audit carried out by an external company for each of the lawsuits.

As highlighted by the president of Conadecus, Hernán Calderón, the agreement “comes to resolve this lawsuit, which had been going on for quite a few years and is just in the first stages. At least we would have four or five more years to have some kind of resolution.”
