Aton Agency
In the week marked by the arrival of first Pfizer BioNTech vaccines against covid-19, the Plaza Pública Cadem survey released today showed that only 47% trust that it effectively immunizes those who are inoculated, while 42% believe that they will have timely access and 41% that they will be able to stop the pandemic.
In addition, this week 45% stated that they would be vaccinated as soon as it is available, 9 points more than last week, and 33% (-9pts) indicate that they would do it later, mainly to be sure that the vaccine works and it has no contraindications.
While, 22% affirm that they would not be inoculated in any case, for fear that the vaccine will have strange consequences or because they do not trust these new vaccines.
Likewise, 43% approve of the Government’s management in the face of the pandemic and 76% of Santiaguinos approve that they have regressed to phase 2 of Transition, 18 points more than two weeks ago.
In relation to the measures to face the covid-19 during Christmas and New Year, 86% agree that sanitary cords be established so that people cannot leave their region, and 65% approve that for celebrations they are allowed family gatherings of up to 15 people.
Finally, the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is the best known (76%) and the one that generates the greatest trust among citizens (60%). Aztra Zenaca / Oxford (54%), Moderna (47%), and Jannsen / Johnson (45%) follow in confidence. The Sputnik V (37%) and Sinovac (31%) vaccines are observed with a low level of confidence.
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