“Every Day Better” leaves the screen and will leave La Red after 16 years


The program “Every day better”, hosted by Alfredo Lamadrid, will leave the screens of La Red after 16 years on the channel.

Through a public statement made on Instagram, they announced that the last episode to be broadcast by the station is this Sunday.

“The program Every Day Better, which since 2004 has been broadcasting every Sunday on the La Red channel, will no longer be on the screen of the aforementioned station. The last episode of this alliance will be broadcast this Sunday, December 27, 2020, at 12:30 pm, “they noted.

Likewise, they indicated that “the Cada Día Mejor team, headed by Alfredo Lamadrid, thanks La Red for the years shared, as well as all the station’s staff who collaborated in the creation and transmission of the space.”

“He also expresses his heartfelt appreciation to the public who have faithfully followed him for more than 16 years. Especially the elderly, who have been the main recipient of this television effort, with which a close relationship of friendship and company was achieved, and with the one who was every year in a Caupolicán full of joy and emotion “, they added.

Finally, they stated that “Every Better Day will continue to be present on social networks, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram and is in the process of reappearing on another platform, which will be communicated in due course.”

Check out the program statement “Every Day Better”
