A group of women from the Socialist Party through a letter, entitled “Never again without us”, seeks support around the name of Paula Narváez so that it becomes a presidential letter of the community.
“We see in her the transformative legacy of Michelle Bachelet with a strong perspective for the future. A clear leadership, markedly transversal, prepared, with an international perspective, regional roots and firm convictions,” says the letter according to La Tercera.
According to the adherents, Narváez is a person who could summon both the board of directors and the dissidents of the party, considering that she is a female figure, who has 23 years of militancy, her legacy as a former spokeswoman for the Bachelet government and precisely because of her closeness to the former ruler.
“This is quite transverse. Here we are men and women who see in Paula Narváez a leadership that the PS cannot ignore, points out the grassroots activist Lya González, who leads the group of women that supports the former minister.
We socialist women invite you to demand that our party honor its principles and commitments to internal democracy by calling for a socialist primary open to citizens.
Socialists poll Paula Narváez as a presidential letter – La Tercera https://t.co/Xub8Wim2F1
– Lya González (@ LyaGonzalez1) December 26, 2020
According to the morning, parliamentarians have already announced their support for the former government spokesperson. “No one could put it into question, she is a woman candidate, a militant, a historian of the PS with a great career. I like that there are women and of course I am going to support her,” said deputy Maya Fernández.
“I have always thought that Paula Narváez is a great candidate. It seems to me a very valid option for the internal primaries,” said Senator Carlos Montes.
It should be remembered that in recent days the name of the PS president, Álvaro Elizalde, also emerged as a possible candidate option for La Moneda.