Joaquin, the son of Fran García-Huidobro and Julio César Rodríguez, He surprised with a special Christmas greeting. The 15-year-old took his social networks to show the pride he feels when he sees his parents love each other despite being separated.
“Today is Christmas … I think a lot about everything that has happened to me in the difference between these two photos that I am posting ?? He started commenting on the images, one from November 2014, when he was 9 years old and Fran García-Huidobro made his dream of meeting the UC players come true, and one from a few days ago, after turning 15 years old.
“There are many differences in these two photos, but there is only one similarity: I am fine, healthy, stable, and most importantly, enjoying that my parents get along and love each other a lot even though they are separated ?? Joaquín rescued, who is constantly seen on the Instagram of the Channel 13 host and Julio César Rodríguez.
And it is that, this Christmas, Joaquín shared again with his parents, his sister and Rodríguez’s girlfriend.
?? There are many people who wish they could see their father or mother during these holidays and for unfortunate reasons they cannot, so this Christmas is for them … Think how happy they can be and propose it to them “, sentenced the young man passionate about rap.
Check here the heartfelt publication of the son of Fran García-Huidobro and Julio César Rodríguez