Eight of the 16 regions of Chile exceed 100 new daily cases of Covid-19 in the day with the highest number of infections since July


With 2,520 new infections reported by the Ministry of Health, this Friday the daily number of Covid-19 cases was the highest in five months, since July 24.

But also, several of the country’s regions are simultaneously presenting higher numbers of infections.

According to the breakdown provided by the Minsal, eight of the 16 regions of the country – that is, half – exceeded 100 new cases while three other regions were very close to that figure.

The list is led by Santiago (580), and then followed by Biobío (425), Los Lagos (276) and Maule (233). For these last three regions, the numbers are among the highest for a day since the start of the pandemic.

Next are La Araucanía (182), Valparaíso (166), Magallanes (108) and Antofagasta (106). And with close figures are Tarapacá (93), Ñuble (90) and Los Ríos (88).

At the same time, five regions exceed a thousand active cases: the RM (3,296), Biobío (2,606), Los Lagos (1,314), Maule (1,308) and La Araucanía (1,081).
