Piñera and the peak of his prominence at the forefront of vaccination: What La Moneda is looking for and what it means to overexpose


“Bravo Bravo”. The puncture lasted a few moments but the TENS nurse had just begun to receive it Zulema Riquelme, he President Sebastián Piñera and his minister Enrique Paris they let go and clapped live and direct, a couple of meters away and with their masks on. Much remains to be seen if the outcome of the vaccination will neutralize the scourge of the virus in Chile. Also to elucidate if the end of the pandemic will allow the president to face the judgment of history on his government better than now.

But today is today and in La Moneda they drew up accounts in blue of the staging with which the initial round of inoculations started that ends tomorrow, which in addition to extinguishing the pockets of mistrust in the citizenry pursues – they specify there – the political objective that Piñera regain ground and begin to reverse his meager support, starting with attributes such as leadership, ability to solve problems and anticipate problems. Also, they show their most loyal ones, highlighting their “strength, that they care and that they have an enormous patriotic spirit.”

For that they have played the leading role card, with numerous and successive presidential public activities -only there are two today, when they receive the cargo at the airport and then at the Metropolitan Hospital-, at the cost of receiving back criticism from the opposition and from Colmed for overexposure and hoarding cameras. That has happened to him before and in the internship his people say that he does not stay awake because of that; the tug of war that I talk more or less is already a classic.

But The golden rule, the people of Piñera insist, is “repeat, repeat and repeat” and that what you are doing is what fits your profile.

In the President’s teams they explain that their strengths are not in their sympathy, but in their ability to manage and solve problems, and that is what they try to highlight now. They once again emphasize that it was played before to ensure a dose with suppliers in the midst of global uncertainty, as with the fans. And with an eye on your concern that the process does not suffer setbacks or failures.

But the issue of not exaggerating the note they do claim to take into account. In the Government House they emphasize that Despite all the questions, the scene this morning was “sober”, with a “English staging” -similar to the one headed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on December 8 in London- and that he wanted the protagonists to be vaccinated and not the authorities.

After Piñera went to receive Latam flight 501 that brought the first Pfizers today at dawn, the minister spokesman Jaime Bellolio faced the criticism like this on Radio Agricultura: “That was like ‘excessive prominence’ … Has the president been a protagonist in the search for vaccines? Yes, of course. But today what was seen in the morning at the airport it was an absolutely sober staging”.

After a national chain and several appearances, in the Palace they specify that he peak of the media prominence of the President before vaccination is today. In theory, he should not speak of the matter again for the remainder of the afternoon, and in his personal They say that he is not expected to do it again tomorrow and Saturday. But they do show that this is not – it is Sebastián Piñera, they emphasize – written in stone: ideas circulated last night that yes it does. For Sunday it is in the portfolio that he has an activity, but in the economic sphere.

As an international reference, in Argentina, President Alberto Fernández had said before that it would be the first inoculation “so that no one is afraid.” Today in Ezeiza – upon receiving the Russian vaccine – the Minister of Health and other representatives, together with the Russian ambassador, held a press conference. In Mexico, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, López-Gatell and the Secretary of Health, Jorge Alcocer, received the shipment at the DF air terminal. In Costa Rica the president received it Carlos Alvarado.

In Israel the first inoculated was the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “To set an example to the rest of the population.” The elect Joe biden in the US it was also the first live on television.

But the specialists in dissecting the President in these events see other things. “Using opportunities like this, as a way to improve the presidential image or the popularity of the government and the president, or finally to reinforce attributes – which the President supposedly has and which could have been lost – has not yielded very good results.“, Says the UDD academic Eugenio Guzman.

believes that “The worst that can happen is that apart from being criticized, it is that it has no effect, and that something as important as this is annulled by the criticism of excessive”. And that since “public opinion is very susceptible, it is very attentive and especially the critics of the President, to any opportunity that he or that the Government seeks to improve” he must “be austere and appear austere, there are two conditions.”

Angel Carcavilla, CEO of Crowd, you do believe that “The vaccination campaign should translate into a rise in public approval. We have been locked up for a year and people are already tired. The possibility of being inoculated brings hope that this will end soon ”. But that “there are only 10 thousand vaccines that will be applied to a very small and selected group of the population, which can increase the discomfort of people when they are excluded from vaccination.”

He also warns that “the government tends to get overexcited with this type of event and if it does not handle it well, the political intentions behind these media events may become too explicit. Be careful, intentions that are absolutely legitimate, but that must be handled soberly so that they do not stink of opportunism “. And that “with the low approval that the government has, you have to be extremely careful about what you say and do, since everything can be read in the worst way. Today’s staging (at the airport) seemed exaggerated to me, the Minister of Sciences and Health was enough ”.

Sergio Spain, partner of the consultancy firm Subjective and former Secom in the Aylwin and Frei governments, reads that “This agenda is absolutely risky, the vaccine does not guarantee anything. It will be full of problems and tensions “, and that “reopen the flank of I managed to do this, I did it before other countries, it doesn’t work, the President is always comparing himself to someone ”.

According to him, Piñera “has always presented us with an epic, which is the personal epic of him fulfilling his achievements, everything he has promised and which will be better than the previous one.”

Another thing see Carlos Correa Bau, Ex Secom in Bachelet II and academic from the Faculty of Communication and Letters of the Diego Portales University: “It sounds reasonable that the president – who is the highest authority – is going to receive the vaccine, because it is a milestone. It must be combined with a communication of risk that makes people do not decline in self-care, because otherwise a sense of false security can be generated “.
