The Ministry of Health released on Wednesday afternoon the 79th epidemiological report of the covid-19 pandemic in the country, indicating that there are 38 communes in Chile with more than 100 active cases.
The report indicates that Puerto Montt, Los Angeles and Punta Arenas have the highest number of active cases in Chile, since the capital of the Los Lagos region has 491 active cases, that of Magallanes with 409 and that of the province of Bío Bío with 412.
For its part, in the Metropolitan region there are 10 communes with more than 100 active cases: Las Condes, Puente Alto, Maipú, La Florida, Santiago, San Bernardo, Pudahuel, Ñuñoa, Renca and Peñalolén.
Communes with more than 100 active cases:
Puerto Montt: 491
Los Angeles: 410
Punta Arenas: 409
Conception: 398
Iquique: 397
Valdivia: 371
Temuco: 325
Antofagasta: 305
High Bridge: 294
Chillán: 283
Curicó: 279
Colonel: 272
Maipú: 275
Viña del Mar: 254
Valparaiso: 252
Talcahuano: 249
San Pedro de la Paz: 240
Talca: 230
Florida: 229
Santiago: 228
Osorno: 207
High Hospice: 198
Rancagua: 173
Arica: 163
Chiguayante: 160
The Counts: 152
Saint Bernard: 142
Pudahuel: 131
Ñuñoa: 125
Hualpen: 124
Burbot: 122
Ovalle: 120
Tirúa: 118
Renca: 115
Penco: 112
Arauco: 107
Peñalolén: 102
Cañete: 101
Regarding the situation in Chile, the report indicates that “as of December 20, 668,984 cases of covid-19 have occurred (587,488 with laboratory confirmation and 81,496 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 3,438.0 per 100,000 population”.
In addition, the highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the Magallanes region (9864.2), the Tarapacá region (4542.4) and the Metropolitan region (4357.8).