DEIS: Metropolitan, Biobío and Los Lagos Regions continue with the highest number of active cases


The Department of Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the Ministry of Health, in its epidemiological report number 79, estimated this Saturday at 668,984 total Covid-19 infections (587,488 confirmed and 81,496 probable) since the beginning of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the largest number of active cases remain in the Metropolitan region (3,882), Biobio (3,002), The lakes (1,279), The Araucanía (1,120), Valparaiso (1,116) and Maule (1,095), according to the information updated until last Monday.

Refering to rate of infected infecting, Magellan it leads the list, with 304 cases per 100,000 inhabitants; In absolute numbers, it reports 543.

At the community level, Montt port continues with the highest number of active cases in the country with 491, followed by Los Angeles (410), Punta Arenas (409), Concepción (398), Iquique (397), Valdivia (371), Temuco (325) and Antofagasta (305).

In the case of the Metropolitan Region, High Bridge leads active cases with 294, a number that decreased since the previous report, followed by Maipú (275), La Florida (229), Santiago (228), Las Condes (152), San Bernardo (142), Pudahuel (131) and Ñuñoa (125). Of these, only in Maipú and La Florida there were increases compared to the previous report.

Meanwhile, the largest cumulative infection incidence rates per 100,000 According to laboratory-confirmed cases, inhabitants are in the Magallanes Region (9,864.2), the Tarapacá Region (4,542.4) and the Metropolitan Region (4,357.8).

Of the confirmed and probable reported cases in the EPIVIGILA system, the median age is 38 years: 6.69% correspond to people under 15 years of age, 24.5% to people between 15 and 29 years old, 29.36% to people between 30 and 44 years old, 28.51% to people between 45 and 64 years, while the remaining 10.92% are adults aged 65 and over.
