Los Angeles is the commune with the most active cases of coronavirus (451) from the Bío Bío region, according to the daily report that was known this Wednesday, December 23, after adding 66 new infections.
Along the same lines, and according to what was reported by the Health authorities, during the last 24 hours the province of Bío Bío registered 92 new infections, while the strict controls prior to the end of the year festivities have already begun.
With these new infected, the province reached 743 assets and more than 9 thousand people who have contracted coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.
Laja had 6 recent patients, Nacimiento and Quilleco added 5, San Rosendo had 3 more, Yumbel with Cabrero and Mulchén 2, and finally there was one more in Negrete.
In parallel, this Wednesday the 79th Epidemiological Report prepared by the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsal).
The document placed Los Angeles as the second commune with the most assets nationwide, with 410 cases counted as of Sunday, December 20, when the information cut-off was made.
According to the study, the commune of Montt port, Los Lagos region, is the commune with the most active cases (491) nationwide.
Strict controls in Los Angeles
This Wednesday the controls began in Los Angeles, where people from other communes will only be allowed entry with safe conduct for moving, medical or funeral procedures, or work permit, which left immediate reactions in our auditors, who complained about the traffic jams.
The seremi of Health, Hector Muñoz, affirmed that during the next few days the quarantine will be evaluated in Los Angeles, but that for now the figures do not allow the phase to advance.
In this context, the question arises: What will happen to the residents of rural Los Angeles who need to buy basic supplies? The provincial governor, Ignacio Stay, answered that concern.
“They can do it with their daily permission, because they belong to the Los Angeles commune, they can (…) move within the commune in these 3 hours that are allowed, people from other communes will not be able to do it with that permission daily ”, remarked the authority.
This decision will be applied at least for the next few days, where Christmas and New Year will be celebrated, however, the representative of the Executive did not rule out that following Phase 1, the control could also be extended.
The deputy director of the Biobío Health Service, Fernando Vergara placeholder image, stated that a record of hospitalizations was once again met.
“We have 84 hospitalized patients, the highest we have had so far,” stressed the doctor.
Remember that for this December 24 and 25, in addition to January 31 and 1, there will be a restriction for meetings.
In the case of Phase 1, which is total quarantine, it is totally forbidden to receive people outside the usual family nucleus.
For zones in Phase 2, the maximum capacity will be 15 people, but also counting those who live in the same house, including children or minors.
While in areas with Phase 3, the maximum will be 20, with the same previous requirements.
In any case, if complaints are received, the health authority will have the power to reach the homes and verify eventual irregularities to the announced regulations.