Deputy Joanna Pérez (DC) recounts attempted robbery that she suffered last night: “They pointed a firearm at me”


The DC deputy, Joanna Pérez, through a video, recounted the attempted robbery of which she was a victim last night. “Entering through a lateral exit towards the central highway from Costanera Norte, in Santiago, where the track is reduced to a single road, I was overtaken by a vehicle that forced me to stop after which I was the victim of a violent assault attempt ( ambush) where 4 subjects with their faces covered got out of a vehicle and pointed a firearm at me, “he explained.

“Given this, I, who was driving my vehicle and mobilizing alone, backed up, hitting a vehicle that was in the rear area, after which the antisocials escaped (…) Together with the driver I hit and who helped me, we decided quickly leave the place in fear that the individuals would return, he added.

In this sense, Pérez emphasized that “unfortunately this happens every day to thousands of Chileans; on roads or in their homes; and it forces us as a country to reinforce security policies and demand the peace of mind that citizens deserve.” .

“Fortunately, I am fine and the corresponding complaint was made early this Wednesday, December 23, at the Carabineros de Chile,” he concluded.
