It is no longer white: the car color that Chileans look for the most when buying | Economy


Although it is not the most important thing in a vehicle, when acquiring it is a characteristic to take into account: its Colour.

Over the years, two colors have predominated in Chile, white and gray.

However, this 2020 the trend changed, since the preferences leaned toward gray, according to a ranking provided by

According to the data gray used vehicles are the best sellers, with 27% of the total units sold, followed by whites with 20% and reds, with 13%.

What happened to another traditional color, black? They fell to fifth place in this ranking. After the aforementioned are the blues, another color that had its peak a couple of years ago.

As for the offer, in this aspect also gray cars are the ones that lead this particular ranking, with 28% of all vehicles for sale; followed by white ones, with 24% of the offer. Much lower appear those black, with 12% units and red, also with 12% of the total supply.

Claudia Castro, Manager of Classifieds at, commented that generally in our country the best-selling vehicles have always been “neutral colors, because for users they reflect a certain elegance “.

“That is why they demand black and white, but lately gray has emerged with force, to the point that this year it has been the most demanded and offered,” he added.

The executive thought that an explanation for this could be “Even the Chilean’s own personality, more sober, less outgoing than our peers on the continent. The selection depends strictly on the personality of the buyer ”.

“Despite this, little by little we have seen how the color red and blue are gaining ground in demand. Colors that are not sober at all, so the trend that can be seen in the future is interesting, ”concluded Claudia Castro.

The best-selling and most-offered colors of 2020

On sale:
– Gray: 27%.
-White: 20%.
-Red: 13%.
-Blue: 12%.
-Black: 11%.

In offer:
– Gray: 28%.
-White: 24%.
-Black: 12%.
-Red: 12%.
-Blue: 10%.
