Chilean Army makes world news for suffering outbreak of covid-19 in the only virus-free continent | National


In the last hours, the Chilean Army became world news Although not for the best of reasons: to suffer an outbreak of covid-19 in Antarctica, the only continent that was free of the virus.

Specifically, the problem affected 36 people from O’Higgins Base, 10 civilians and 26 military personnel. All were transferred to Punta Arenas for treatment and isolation in sanitary residences.

“The news marks an unfortunate milestone in the global fight against the coronavirus, since until this week Antarctica was the last continent free from its clutches, “said CNN of the United States.

For its part, ABC Australia communicated to its readers that “experts are concerned about long-term operational effects in Antarctic research after the discovery of coronavirus among Chilean military personnel on the continent ”.

In an audio report, the outlet noted that Researchers from other countries working in the area have taken extreme measures to prevent the disease from reaching the white continent and that, for example, Australians had a two-week quarantine and three PCR tests prior to their travels.

From the University of Tasmania, professor of Antarctic governance Hanne Nielsen told the aforementioned media that thanks to this outbreak in the Chilean Army “The perception that Antarctica is a pure and disease-free place was stained”.

However, he ruled out that Covid-19 ends up spreading in the area from the Chilean base.

The German agency Deutsche Welle also picked up the news emphasizing that due to the military outbreak “the covid hit Antarctica, the last continent untouched by the virus ”.

In India it was also known, from the hand of The Hindu, a medium that in its publication highlighted that so far “no other country with a presence in Antarctica has publicly reported cases.”

Meanwhile, the BBC wrote that, with this, the covid-19 has already reached the entire planet and that our country is the sixth most affected in Latin America due to the virus, in terms of cases.
