The Chief of Antarctic Affairs, Colonel Patricio ochoa, reported this Tuesday that those infected with Covid-19 in the Chilean base “Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme” in Antarctica, were transferred to Punta Arenas to perform the corresponding quarantine.
According to the V Division of the Chilean Army there are 36 positive cases, among which are the personnel of the military institution and of an external maintenance company.
“The V Army Division confirms the unconditional commitment to protect the health of its members, allowing in this context to satisfactorily report that, as a result of the opportunity with which it was possible to develop the replacement of personnel, this is properly isolated and constantly monitored under the support of the health authority of the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region, “the official explained.
In addition, he stated that so far it has been achieved “have a favorable diagnosis and without any complications associated with Covid-19 by our staff. “
Meanwhile, on the same topic, the seremi of Surrogate Health of Magallanes, Eduardo Castillo, highlighted the work carried out by the health authority in the area, which included more than a hundred PCR tests at Villa Las Estrellas.
“Regarding the Antarctic issue, this health authority reports that of the 102 samples carried out in Villa Las Estrellas and analyzed in Punta Arenas there is one Covid-19 positive person and eight people who were traced as close contacts “, reported the regional authority.
“All of them will be transferred today to Punta Arenas, where they will fulfill their mandatory quarantine,” Castillo said.
Search for the origin of infections
Both the Seremi de Salud de Magallanes and the Army continue to monitor this situation and also treat all close contacts to be able to determine where the contagion originated.
One of the theories being used, for example, is the information on the crew of the ship “Sargento Aldea” that began a preventive isolation inside this ship after being detected 21 cases of coronavirus. This boat on November 27 and December 10 he was at the Chilean base “Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme”.
The Biobío Health Department, Hector Muñoz, pointed out that in the Sargento Aldea Ship “there are 21 positive cases, in a work carried out in conjunction with the Health Department, 76 close contact and today 124 PCR tests are being carried out due to contacts they had with the positives. “
“These are taken after certain days to see if there are more capable people and the institution isolated the person in the institutional residence they have,” the health authority said.