The Christian Democrats celebrated their triumph in “emblematic communes like La Reina, Conchalí, Lo Espejo, Valparaíso and Lampa “in the citizen primaries carried out this Sunday in dozens of municipalities and which included the entire opposition, from the phalanx to the PC.
The party led by Fuad Chahín highlighted that “So far he has won the primaries in 28 communes of the 53 that held their primary”.
In La Reina, for example, Sara Campos highlighted the “determination to unite, (because) they were months of work, of conversation, and today we are showing that, although there are differences, we have many things in common. We want a more dignified commune, that this new constituent country that we want to build is reflected in our territory“.
While, Marcelo barraza, a former councilor and who has signed complaints for notable abandonment of duties against Mayor Jorge Sharp, thanked “the hundreds of people who, despite the pandemic, the date and the high temperatures, believed in this project and risked going down to vote, what testifies that there are many porteños who want to change Valparaíso“.
So far, the winning candidates who will go to the April 2021 election are:
Atacama region
- Vallenar: Karina Zárate (Ind.)
Coquimbo region
- Ovalle: Wladimir Pleticosic (DC)
Valparaíso region
- Category: Felipe González (DC)
- La Calera: Eduardo Martínez (DC)
- Nogales: Ricardo Aliaga (DC)
- Olmué: Alejandro Collao (DC)
- Panquehue: Gonzalo Vergara (DC)
- Quillota: Mauricio Ávila (DC)
- Quilpué: Christian Cárdenas (DC)
- San Antonio: Jorge Jorquera (DC)
- San Esteban: Julio Contreras (PS)
- San Felipe: Carmen Castillo (Ind.)
- Valparaíso: Marcelo Barraza (DC)
Metropolitan region
- Conchalí: Alejandro Vargas (DC)
- La Cisterna: Orlando Morales (PPD)
- The Queen: Sara Campos (DC)
- Lamp: Carlos Escobar (DC)
- The Mirror: Carlos Gardel (DC)
- Melipilla: Juan González (DC)
- Pirque: Jaime Escudero (PPD)
- Pudahuel: Mónica Sánchez (PRO)
- Providencia: Verónica Pardo (Ind.)
- San Miguel: David Navarro (PR)
O’Higgins Region
- Lolol: José Díaz (DC)
- Quinta de Tilcoco: Heli Carrasco (DC)
- San Fernando: Luis Orellana (PR)
- San Francisco de Mostazal: Verónica Arroyo (DC)
Maule region
- Hualañé: Carolina Muñoz (DC)
- Linares: Waldo Alfaro (DC)
Ñuble region
- Chillán: Camilo Benavente (PPD)
- Quillón: Miguel Peña (DC)
Bio bio region
- Curanilahue: Juan Fonseca (PPD)
- Hualpén: Miguel Rivera (PPD)
- Quilaco: Pablo Urrutia (DC)
- Santa Juana: Jocsan Sanhueza (DC)
- Yumbel: Yolanda Romero (DC)
Araucania region
- Freire: Luis Arias (DC)
- New Imperial: Cesar Sepúlveda (DC)
River region
- Ranco Lake: Andrés Reinoso (PS)
- Valdivia: Gonzalo Espinoza (DC)
Los Lagos Region
- Calbuco: Marco Silva (DC)
- Puqueldón: Rodrigo Ojeda (PRO)
- Puyehue: Renato Uribe (PS)
- Quinchao: Sergio Agüero (Ind.)
- Rio Negro: Claudia Pailalef (PS)
Aysén region
- Green Lake: Claudia Valdés (PR)