After the zero tie between Catholic University —The pointer— and Colo Colo – the bottom -, each fan unveiled on social networks regarding the performance of their team.
In terms of memes and comments, the albos showed some relief when rescuing a point after a very poor campaign, added to the suffering of the last minutes before the changes that Gustavo Quinteros decreed.
It served no one: Universidad Católica and Colo-Colo matched in a lackluster classic
Colo-Colo at the bottom and UC at the top: This is how the standings remained after the tie between albos and crusaders
On the other hand, the crusaders turned their annoyance at what they considered a poor performance, and the conspiratorial edge regarding the distribution of points was not lacking.
Check out the best memes and comments here:
I’m not from the cato but I can’t believe that even if they are leading the way, they play like this against the bottoms, it’s like when you win 10-0 in Fifa and start doing things that are not #Crusaders pic.twitter.com/epl6WjDpjK
– pia 😉 (@chicapia_) December 19, 2020
I can not believe how they are playing against the bottom #Crusaders pic.twitter.com/B0NPWKGXZj
– Camila🧉🌿 (@cami__nacha) December 19, 2020
Suffering with the coco colistas …… #Crusaders pic.twitter.com/uyH1bAH5np
– D ō m ε l † (@Domel) December 19, 2020
Catholic thank you please granted
– Colo Colo #Crusaders pic.twitter.com/cWBwBbUq7n– D ō m ε l † (@Domel) December 19, 2020
#UCatolicavsColoColoxCDF #AbsolutPointer #Crusaders pic.twitter.com/gl33dKi5hU
– lorem ipsum (@ dalbrecht78) December 19, 2020
#Crusaders pic.twitter.com/2TE9qQEDUU
– Fuko J. (@Jozakuf) December 19, 2020
Why do you trust that your club, going last, will beat the first?#VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/XJX9jNia46
– Oscar Rivera Zepeda (@Nachosh) December 19, 2020
Some natural recipe to lower anxiety #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/uKf8Q24Cwm
– Alejandro (@gatto_alejo) December 19, 2020
Valencia was not lost and was injured #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/VKNVRgiLu4
– Pachi (@lokillapachy) December 19, 2020
Well, with a calmer heart … I could not draw against the bottom ctm xD 😂😂😂 regardless of that the VAR that he stole with that hand qlia 🥺 and cuts that he was finally giving his best … Suazo at least shit in a pure and the rest all good! #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/Z3jG99j7Aa
– F / A – PaiN- 🇨🇱🇪🇦 (@PainSkyLitz) December 19, 2020
Valentine came forward #UCatolicavsColoColoxCDF #Crusaders #VamosColoColo #Cruzalbo pic.twitter.com/5HFZbWdywX
– Marco (S) ⛔ (@MarcosGG_A) December 19, 2020
I came this close to hating Brayan with the last outing #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/fP7N5e0U7A
– Cɑri Núñez (@ Karina_human2) December 19, 2020
0-0 #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/ls3jrlwKhV
– Gaby👽 (@BabiBell_) December 19, 2020
Suazo is the worst squad player that CC has taken out and the one who has been given more opportunities, so I don’t understand how he starts. 🤬 #VamosColoColo pic.twitter.com/IDDlYmknq8
– Old Cacique ⚫⚪ (@ caciquealbo52) December 19, 2020