They confirm a new strain of coronavirus in the United Kingdom that is spreading rapidly | International


A new strain of coronavirus that was discovered in the south of UK yes this is spreading in an accelerated way, reported this Saturday the head of the English Medical Authority, Chris Whitty.

Whitty said the UK informed the World Health Organization (WHO) of their discovery.

Health Minister Matt Hancock announced on Monday that scientists identified a “New variant” in the south of England it can expand faster.

Britain this month has seen an increase in hospital admissions and cases; and the prime minister Boris johnson will give a press conference on the virus situation on Saturday afternoon.

Johnson seems ready to announce new restrictions to travel in London and the South East of England during the Christmas holidays.

Whitty said members of an expert group told him and the government that they fear “the new strain may spread faster.”

“We alert the WHO”he added. He added that there is no evidence that the new strain causes more deaths or affects the effectiveness of vaccines.

On Friday, the government registered 28,507 new cases in the United Kingdom and this week the cases increased by 40.9% compared to the previous week.

More than 1,980,000 people have tested positive in the UK.

The inhabitants of Wales and Northern Ireland will have to go into lockdown after Christmas.

However, Johnson refused to order a new lockdown in England.
