Rosario Central accepted offer from UC for Fernando Zampedri


The Argentine media TyC Sports anticipated that Rosario Central accepted the offer presented by Universidad Católica to buy the forward pass Fernando Zampedri.

“Forward Fernando Zampedri will finally continue in Chile as Rosario Central accepts the final proposal prepared by the directors of the Catholic University of Chilhey that borders 1.5 million clean dollars for the people of Rosario, “they said from the trans-Andean country this Friday.

The concessionaire that manages the student club, Cruzados SADP, made an offer lower than the amount set in the purchase option by the attacker, which had the permission of the “rogue” set.

Zampedri, in this way, he will remain linked to the precordillerano team, where he records 21 goals in 32 games.

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