In the coming months, the government could deliver a new payment of the Emergency Family Income (IFE) to about 3.4 million households in the country.
This last payment of the year was included in the Budget Law to have on hand and in a timely manner the funds that are required to distribute among the population most affected by the pandemic.
This IFE will not be delivered at the national level, but will be localized according to the needs of each commune or region. For this, the delivery mechanism will be more expeditious, since your payment will also be evaluated according to the stage of the “Step by Step” plan.
When would the IFE Rebrote be paid?
According to the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, this benefit will be paid in 2021, for one or two months in the areas that require it.
Can I request the IFE Rebrote?
According to what was announced by the Government, for the payment of the IFE, the same payroll that received the sixth payment will be considered. Of these, the contribution will be granted to those families that are in communes still in quarantine or that enter into confinement.
In this way, it is not possible to request a new payment from the IFE through an online procedure as it did in previous deliveries.
The payment of this contribution would be made in the same way that the sixth IFE was distributed to its beneficiaries. That is, by means of payment in the RUT Account of BancoEstado, deposit in a bank account or payment in person at branches.
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