The claims and complaints of the residents of the Fernández Concha portal, in the heart of Santiago, allowed the closure of four apartments that were used as brothels.

The proceedings were carried out by the Carabineros, in coordination with municipal personnel and the Seremi de Salud, achieving the arrest of 16 people, mostly women.

Four buildings were intervened at the site “In previous days they had already been closed”, detailed Captain Vladimir Úbeda, of the 1st Santiago Central Police Station.

Among the crimes for which they were brought to justice was for violation of the seal, current arrest warrant, concealment of identity, sale of both drugs and narcotics, and violation of article 318 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

After the closure, Carabineros stated that “it will continue to intensify its preventive and control work, in pursuit of the security and tranquility of the citizens.”