
In the balance of this noon, the Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks, Alberto Dougnac, confirmed that an agreement was reached with Espacio Riesco, which was used this year as a hospital center due to the health emergency caused by covid-19, after it denounced that the Minsal owed it more than 4 million dollars for renting and fitting out the place.

In this regard, Dougnac pointed out that the “State of Chile fulfills its commitments and, at the same time, has the vision of safeguarding the public treasury, in that sense the Comptroller General of the Republic helps us enormously to carry out this task.”


Through a public statement, the campus indicated that “given the national contingency of a pandemic and the probable second wave of infections, it agreed to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Health on the monies owed so far by the authority.”

“We agree to reduce our legitimate charges -both the lease contract and the complementary implementation contract- by almost 400 million pesos, to reach a final pending payment of 2,090 million pesos”, they specified.

They added that “we want to be categorical in reiterating that the total amount of what should legitimately be paid to Espacio Riesco was close to 1/5 of what we usually charge for our services, a sum that was agreed and signed in due course with the health authority of the time and that shows that there was no desire for commercial use on the part of our company “.


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