On Wednesday night, the Los Lagos Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the couple of Yanira Diaz Vera, a woman who was found dead on November 28 at her home in Passage Angelmó in Puerto Montt.

The arrest request was made by the prosecutor Nathalie Yonsson in line with the alleged participation of the individual in the act, something that needs to be clarified.

Initially, the case was settled as suicide by the Homicide Brigade of the PDI, thesis that was even corroborated in a report from the Legal Medical Service.

However, according to sources from Radio Bío Bío, the situation was refuted after the exhumation of the body, where it was determined that there was intervention by third parties in his death.

As a result of this, the investigation passed to the O-S9 and the Labocar de Carabineros, who found the man’s whereabouts.

This was as a detainee and with the respective control before courts set for noon on Thursday.

The remains of the victim have already been delivered to his relatives, after the last expert reports and the final thanatological examination.