Pudahuel, Maipú and Quilicura are listed as the communes where active cases of COVID-19 increased the most in relation to the previous report, according to the new Epidemiological Report of the Ministry of Health (Minsal) that reveals data on the evolution of the pandemic in the country.
The new report shows that, as of December 13, there are 653,007 cases of COVID-19 in Chile (with and without confirmation), while the deceased cases are 21,230. There are another 79,177 probable cases, without laboratory confirmation.
At the commune level, in Pudahuel there are 39 active cases, in Maipú 29 and in Quilicura 21. They are followed by El Bosque (17), Peñalolén (14), Colina (12), Lo Barnechea (12), La Reina (11), Ñuñoa (10), Puente Alto (10) and Recoleta (10).
In contrast, Santiago (-20), Providencia (-19), La Cisterna (-12), San Joaquín (-11), Curacaví (-10), San Bernardo (-8), Central Station (-7) and Vitacura (-6) experienced the largest drop in active cases.
Meanwhile, Puente Alto, Maipú, Santiago and La Florida, Punta Arenas, San Bernardo, Peñalolén, Antofagasta, La Pintana and Pudahuel, are the ones that present the highest number of accumulated cases.
Regarding active cases, they lead Punta Arenas, Valdivia, Concepción, Puerto Montt, Los Ángeles, Chillán, Puente Alto, Coronel and Temuco.
Said report also reveals that the highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to cases
confirmed by laboratory, they are found in Magallanes (9,564.8), Tarapacá (4,367.6) and Metropolitan Region (4,308.5).
Also in the Metropolitan Region there is the highest number of confirmed cases, with 299,184, followed by Biobío (40,965), Valparaíso (33,192) and Maule (22,318).
“Drastic measures must be taken”
The mayors of the communes where the cases have increased the most point to the lack of information from the Minsal, and agree that the main concern is in the figures for the coming weeks.
“At one point we were congratulated by Minister Enrique Paris, and we reached phase 4 because we were doing things well. But from one day to the next this began to fall apart, because there is a formal quarantine, but not a real one, and what we had achieved has been reduced, “he admits to The counter the mayor of Pudahuel, Johnny Carrasco, referring to phase 2 in force throughout the RM.
The communal chief also points out that “there is not much information from the Ministry of Health either, this is not a competition between communes, but communes like Lo Prado and Cerro Navia are lower than us, but they have less population, and Maipú is higher than us, but it has many more inhabitants than we do. I don’t know how the accounts are being done ”.
According to the communal chief, Pudahuel has focused on traceability. “Within the communes in this area, we are the one that has carried out the most PCR tests. We have 11,824, and now we are committed to investing greater efforts in having greater traceability, we are performing 1,200 PCR a week, “he said.
In his opinion, the main concern lies in the figures for the coming weeks. “I see it controlled, we have gone up, of course, but not to be unnecessarily alarmed. We are quite stable, but the team’s concern is that from January 14 to 15 we will have the consequences, for the simple reason of the New Year’s parties where everyone is going to be hugging and no one is going to respect social distancing ”.
In Carrasco’s opinion, the situation would force more drastic measures to be taken. “This is going to be a bit tougher in January. If the numbers continue like this – I hope they don’t – I think we will all go into quarantine. Just as Phase 2 was done for everyone, a quarantine should be done for everyone. What I say is hard, very unpopular especially for merchants, but if we want to stop this, we really have to take drastic measures, “he concluded.
“This is a pandemic that is not over yet”
Meanwhile, the mayor of Quilicura, Juan Carrasco, admitted that “any increase in infections is important. In Quilicura we have 64 active cases and a week ago we had 43, for a population of 256 thousand inhabitants. For this reason, I ask the Quilicurans to continue fighting together. Let’s redouble our efforts and take care so that this does not continue to increase (…). This is a pandemic that has not yet been overcome and only with the responsibility of my neighbors will we be able to overcome it ”.
Regarding the measures arranged in the commune, he mentioned that “we have always prioritized health and we will continue to do so, implementing different measures that help lower the contagion curve such as day and night sanitation, with traceability, delivery of sanitary kits, support to our elderly neighbors with medicines and a doctor at home ”.