Ministry of Health issues food alert for contaminated corn flour batch


He The Ministry of Health made a call not to consume corn flour, from a specific batch of the brand “La Fuente Natural”, after a high concentration of mycotoxins that contaminate corn was found in that particular item.

Its about lot N ° 0504020186 of the flour of the mentioned brand, which was prepared on October 15, 2020 and whose expiration date is October 15, 2021.

According to Minsal, within the framework of the National Mycotoxin Program, the Public Health Institute (ISP) reported that in a sample of corn flour made in Chile, from the brand “La Fuente Natural”, found “a high concentration of fumonisins of at least twice what is allowed in the Food Sanitary Regulations.”

He explained that “fumonisins correspond to a family of mycotoxins that contaminate corn ”, although he explained that the values ​​detected in this batch “do not put people’s health at risk in an acute form, such as upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, but they do they constitute a danger to future health if consumed in high concentrations and chronically ”.

For these reasons, it was decided remove that item from the market and a call was made not to consume the flour to those who already have part of that batch in their possession.
