Covid Christmas bonus: find out if you will receive it and the list of communes where the benefit will be double | Economy


In the last week of November, the Government confirmed the delivery of the Covid Christmas BonusAn assignment that will go to the pockets of those most affected by the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic.

The money will reach 3.4 million families, making up a total of 8.2 million people.

To access the benefit no application required special, since the payment will be automatic for households and individuals that received the sixth contribution from the Emergency Family Income (IFE).

* If you obtained that sixth payment from the IFE, you can check your background here:


The amount will be $ 25 thousand for each member of the family group in the case of families of communes that did not have a total quarantine during the week of November 24 to 30, while it will amount to $ 55 thousand for each member in the case of communes in quarantine during that week.

When will it be paid?

The Covid Christmas Bonus will be paid before Christmas, starting on December 21.

From which commune are the inhabitants who will receive double?

-Bio bio region: Coronel, Cañete and Lota.

-La Araucanía: Father Las Casas, Temuco, Cholchol, Freire, Lautaro and Traiguén.

-The rivers: Futrono, La Unión, Los Lagos, Valdivia and Lago Ranco.

-The lakes: Ancud, Calbuco, Chonchi, Los Muermos, Puerto Montt, Osorno, Puqueldón, Queilén, Quemchi, Maullín and Hualaihué.

-Magellan: Natales and Punta Arenas.
