Public Sector Table calls for mobilizations after the failure of the negotiation with the Government for the readjustment «Diario y Radio U Chile


There are mobilizations scheduled for this Wednesday in Valparaíso, in the direction of Congress, and this Thursday in the different local territories of the country.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 13:52 hrs.


The Public Sector Board (MSP) called for mobilizations in the face of the failure of the negotiations with the Government for the readjustment of fiscal workers.

From the MSP they asked as a minimum floor, and after giving up their initial request, a three percent readjustment for those who earn less than three million pesos and a 2.8 for those who earn more than that figure. However, the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, offered a nominal 2.7 for those who earn less than 1,500,000 pesos, and a 0.8 for those who earn more. Unanimously, the unions did not accept the offer.

For this reason there are mobilizations scheduled for this Wednesday in Valparaíso, in the direction of Congress, and this Thursday in the different local territories of the country.

On the other hand, the president of Confusam, Gabriela Flores, announced that her union will begin a prolonged strike, starting this Wednesday, as a protest against the “injustice” of the government of Sebastián Piñera.

For the president of the CUT, Bárbara Figueroa, the mobilizations are justified taking into account the indolence of Ignacio Briones regarding an “absolutely prudent” request.

“You have to be very clear on this, because it is not a traditional negotiation where what was being put into play was an excessive demand on the part of the public sector unions, on the contrary, there was a staggered proposal, there was a proposal that sought to benefit, mainly, the lowest incomes within the public administration, there was a comprehensive proposal that what it sought was not to insult the conditions of both labor and remuneration workers, and that, which was an absolutely prudent demand, which was delivered well in advance on October 19 to the respective ministries, had an indolent response from the Minister of Finance ”.

Beyond the mobilizations, now the MSP will have to understand with the senators so that they do not approve the Executive’s proposal.
