The Onemi decreed a Red alert for the Valparaíso commune due to a forest fire that occurred in the Lake Peñuelas National Reserve in the “Fishing Area” sector.
In parallel, he declared Yellow Alert for forest fire called “La Fragua” in Quilpué, which has consumed an area to be confirmed of 5.0 hectares of pine and native trees.
In the case of the first, the fire has affected about 15 hectares of scrub, native woodland and Eucalyptus forests, information that was provided by the regional mayor Jorge Martínez.
Due to this emergency, Firefighters from the port commune mobilized a large part of their units to combat the flames that were very close to Route 68.
Also, Conaf worked during the day with 8 brigades, 2 PC-CODE, 4 Airplanes and 2 helicopters.
Quilpué in Yellow Alert
A technician, five brigades and one brigade with a Conaf first intervention vehicle worked in the combat of the sinister “La Fragua”. Meanwhile, Quilpué Firefighters came with two units.
The regional director of Onemi, Mauricio Bustos, referred to this fire source, which is located in the I founded La Hacienda in Quilpué.
The mayor Martínez indicated that in the Quilpué forest emergency, it was concentrated in four foci in a valley. Similarly, he said that early on Wednesday they will resume containment and extinction work.
Eventual intentionality
Regarding the fire inside the Peñuelas Reserve, the governor of Valparaíso, Gonzalo Le Dantec, alluded to a possible intentionality, due to the number of lights that started during the afternoon.
Due to the conditions of this emergency, the Conaf aircraft stopped working when the sunlight went out.
The fire was characterized by having two outbreaks, one near Route 68 that was controlled by Firefighters from the Valparaíso commune and the other towards the interior of the Peñuelas Lake reserve, in which Conaf personnel worked.
Due to this last focus, a great column of smoke which was visible from inland communes, such as Quilpué and Villa Alemana.