Media in the United States released the story of Erika Beccera, a 33-year-old woman who died of complications from the coronavirus minutes after giving birth. Family members indicated that she managed to hold her baby for a few minutes in her arms before passing away.
The case was narrated by his half brother, Miguel Avilez, to the Fox News network. The young man maintained that the woman was diagnosed with the disease last November, for which she was admitted to a Detroit health care facility and the delivery was advanced for the 15th of that month.
Beccera did not have underlying diseases that would pose a risk to his health, if he contracted Covid-19, so until now his family cannot explain how his condition worsened so much in a few days.
Without going any further, she had initially been connected to an artificial ventilator, from which she was removed so that the doctors could practice the emergency cesarean section.
The operation was a success and a little boy named Diego was born, who tested negative for the coronavirus. Minutes later, the most emotional moment occurred, since the mother was able to hold her son for a few minutes, although at that moment he was very weak.
“She was able to hug him and talk to him a bit. She was not improving, so they put her on the artificial respirator, ”said Miguel Avilez.
As the relative narrated, Erika managed to stay in the place for a couple of minutes before being transferred again to the ICU of the enclosure, where He remained until December 3, when he died of further complications.
“You could see her crying from that day on, she was crying until the last moments of her life”, held his brother.
Along with that, Avilez took the opportunity to send a message to all the people who, according to his judgment, have dedicated themselves to denying the existence of the pandemic.
“Many people say that this pandemic is a hoax, but until it happens to them or their family, they will know what pain really is, “he concluded.
Becerra also left a daughter who is just over a year old and her husband, who did not want to talk to the media.
For his part, Diego could leave the hospital after Christmas, because he is in an incubator because he needs to gain a few kilos of weight.