Jaime Mañalich and Covid in Chile: “The hope of having a calmer summer has been collapsing with the facts”


Former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich He spoke tonight in the National State about the Coronavirus, the complaint against him and how he evaluates the work of the current Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, as well as the regression to phase two of the entire Metropolitan Region.

Regarding the advance of the Coronavirus, he pointed out that “The hope of having a calmer summer has been crumbled by the facts.” He explained that at the beginning the first signs spoke of a possible correlation between the climatic factor and the virus, which has been less exact than it seemed.

Faced with the international and country experience, he indicated that “If there is something we have learned, it is that we have to take very focused measures”

Regarding future measures, he said: “I think we have to incorporate, and I have discussed it with the minister (Paris) is new technologies for traceability”, adding, for example, PCR by saliva in airports.

Regarding the regression to phase 2 in the Metropolitan Region, he stressed that the importance, in his opinion, is that it was “fundamental” to protect other regions

Faced with the complaint against him presented by Mayor Daniel Jadue for possible responsibilities in the deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Mañalich said that for him it was obvious that such criminal action has “a political context” compared to the handling carried out by President Sebastián Piñera. Beyond that, he declared that he was calm about the process, and that he was sure that “there will be no guilt.”

Finally, when asked if he would be a candidate for the Constitutional Convention, he said no, and added: “I will not continue to be involved in any way in the political world.”
