Former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich, resigned in mid-June when the country counted more than 3,000 deaths from Covid-19, referred this Sunday to the vaccination plan that the Government will begin during the first quarter of 2021, whose doses will be free and voluntary.
“I want to be super clear: We do not have the possibility of vaccinating a significant proportion of the population so that when next autumn begins, which we are really going to have the second wave there, the Chilean population will be sufficiently protected“said the doctor in an interview with the National State program, from TELEVISION.
“Hopefully, if the contracts are fulfilled, we are talking about June. Very, very lucky, “said the former head of the Minsal, who appears as a defendant for alleged negligence in handling the coronavirus crisis.
Therefore, he emphasized, “An effort must be made to prioritize those who are going to be vaccinated first.”
Since the arrival of the coronavirus last March, Chile has signed agreements with several laboratories for the development and distribution of vaccines, among which the Chinese firm stands out. Sinovac, the Belgian pharmaceutical group Janssen Johnson & Johnson and the group AstraZeneca in collaboration with the University of Oxford.
In addition, in September, the country joined the platform COVAX installation, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Vaccination Alliance (GAVI) to guarantee universal access to the eventual vaccine.
According to La Moneda’s vaccination plan, the process will begin with the “critical population“, starting with health workers, the Armed Forces and transportation employees, and will continue with other high risk groups, such as the elderly and the chronically ill.