Chile marks the highest number of infections in 57 days: RM leads and Bío Bío scores a new record | National


The Ministry of Health (Minsal) reported this Saturday 1,807 new infections of coronavirus nationwide, the highest figure in 57 days, in a day that marked a new sad record in the Bío Bío region.

The 1,807 new cases in the country bring the total number of people affected by the virus to 569,781; 10,530 of them are known active patients.

In regional terms, the Metropolitan one led the new infections, with 443 cases, followed closely by another with much less population: that of Bío Bío, which recorded another 425 cases, the highest number in that area since the start of the pandemic, a total record.

This morning they added another 64 dead to the fateful list, which exhibits the unfortunate number of 15,846 deaths due to the pandemic, with PCR confirmation.

There are currently 651 patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU), 472 on mechanical ventilation and 61 of them in critical condition. The balance of ventilators available in the hospital network is 286.

In the last 24 hours, 40,359 PCR tests were processed.

Debt traceability

“We are always concerned about traceability and in the latest epidemiological report we detected that regions such as Arica and Parinacota are doing very well,” said Minister Enrique Paris, adding that “the national average is 3 contacts per index case and we must increase that figure ”, since there are other regions that barely exceed one contact for each case, on average.

In the opinion of the Health Minister, “we have to make an effort to increase the traceability index” and stated that more tracers are needed, but also more positive responses from the population, since, for various reasons, there are people who do not reveal all the contacts they had.

Undersecretary Alberto Dougnac, meanwhile, emphasized that the battle against the pandemic “is not won in hospitals, it is won in prevention.”

Paris called to make an effort and respect the weekend quarantines. He explained that on Thursday a report will be made on the progress of the restrictions in the RM. “I know they have caused many complaints and criticisms from some sectors, but the scientific community, the Medical College, have supported these measures, because they have been taken in a preventive and transitory way,” he commented.

“If we do not do it now, we will have a much stricter quarantine during the summer or during the holidays,” the minister explained.
