Heraldo Muñoz, president -and presidential candidate- of the PPD: “Enough of proposals for the gallery and of the politics of confrontation and populism”


Heraldo Muñoz (72) states that the resignation of the Liberal Party and the deputies of the Democratic Revolution to the Broad Front, added to the declaration of Giorgio Jackson -which stated that for them (FA) it is more natural to ally themselves with the PC than with the former Concertación parties-, mark “a turning point in the Chilean center-left.”

“We are in a key political moment, where a great opportunity opens up to rearticulate the space of the social democratic left. If the Frente Amplio feels closer to the PC, a party that seems to opt for an antisystemic profile, well, then let’s strengthen the pole of the democratic left, ”he says.

About, the ex-chancellor says that together with the PS they seek to expand the Progressive Convergence (PS, PPD and PR) and transform it into a movement or a federation that incorporates other independent groups and parties.

“With the PS we are in tune and we have prepared a draft of the challenges for Chile today that may be the basis for an eventual declaration of principles of the new bloc that is constituted. The need for a welfare state is raised, where health, education and pensions are a guaranteed right. At the same time, a commitment is made to a country with growth for all …

Who are they talking to to incorporate them?

With the Radical and Liberal Party, the former RD, and many independents, although they may need an intermediate station. You have to go slowly but firmly.

What role would DC play?

In the same way that today the DC is part with us of the Constituent Unit, it can be part of this expanded referent.

You criticized Jackson for pointing out that the FA feels closer to the PC than to the former Concertación.

The leaders of the Broad Front, like Jackson, have every right to say that they feel closer to the CP. It is your choice. What does not seem to me is that they are for unity a la carte before the election of constituents. They say with some yes, with these others no. We are for the greatest unity to face the constitutional convention, without exclusions, without excuses, without conditions. Unlike the Broad Front, we are for the greatest unity to confront the constituent.

How do you imagine the new benchmark you seek to promote?

I remember the socialist bloc of the 80s that was made up of the PS, MAPU and the Christian Left, but people who did not belong to parties could serve. With the importance that independents have acquired, the time has come to create a space to welcome those who feel identified with the social democratic left.

This Saturday the general council of the PPD – meeting in virtual form – will define the mechanism to choose its presidential candidate. So far they compete Heraldo Muñoz and Francisco Vidal, but could add more.

In this regard, the former foreign minister reiterates that he will propose “open primaries throughout the country.”

“We cannot look for excuses for not having a primary open to citizens, without fear and reflecting the winds of transparency that are sweeping the country.. For this reason, I am in favor of setting up a high-level commission as soon as possible to make this election viable. I know there are obstacles, such as its financing, but if there is political will, those obstacles can be overcome.

How is your candidacy on track?

I feel that I have the support of many mayors, councilors, former ministers, party personalities and many independent figures. I have also received support from many people from other parties and other sectors, but in consideration of the reserve to which I have committed myself, I am not going to give names. Some have raised it openly, such as the mayor of Quilpué, Mauricio Viñambres, who is from the Socialist Party.

Have you talked with other candidates to see how they see the electoral process that is coming in 2021?

Yes, I have talked several times with Alberto Undurraga, with whom we have a very good harmony. With Daniel Jadue, I have had an exchange of ideas and important differences, such as, for example, his proposal to expropriate the stock of people’s pension funds so that it goes to a common fund. I strongly oppose that. More than a competition between personalities and sympathies, the next election is about re-uniting with a clear sense of the future to reverse inequality and lack of protection and promote workers’ rights and dialogue. Chile needs changes with responsibility, it needs commitment and someone who says things clearly without looking for easy applause. I’m not going to fall for that and enough of the proposal for the gallery and the politics of confrontation and populism. Yesterday Silvio Rodríguez pronounced a very good phrase at a concert (which he was listening to). He said “why has the word dialogue become so difficult?” I would add dialogue and agreements. And it is precisely in this sense that our proposal to unite the social democracy goes.

What do you think that the CP congratulated Nicolás Maduro on his victory in a questioned parliamentary election?

That election did not meet the slightest democratic standards. I do not know if the PC would accept the abusive and undemocratic conditions that the Maduro regime has imposed for this election: party intervention, removal of party leaders to place supporters of the regime, intervention of the Judicial Branch and the Electoral Branch, and to top it all. the threat to people that if they don’t vote, they won’t eat. Frankly a shame. The PC will have to take charge of that letter with congratulations to Maduro.
